Welcome to back to my occasional series which should really be called: What we really eat on the days when I remember to get out my camera.
Monday: Pizza and chips
Plus some fish fingers for Tom. What can I say? It’s not amazing is it. James was away and we needed an easy meal.
Tuesday: Sausages with pilaf
This was a new recipe from the Leon book of One Pot meals. It was really delicious, and very easy! Perfect with sausages and salad. I’ll definitely be making this again.
Wednesday: Tomato Pasta Bake
This is the one meal I forgot to take a photo of, but it’s basically the same one we have every week: jar of sauce mixed with dry pasta with extra water added and baked in the oven. We had it with some cabbage, which the boys the boys thought was disgusting as usual.
Thursday: Bacon and eggs
We’d had a fun day relaxing in the garden with my baby niece and I didn’t feel like cooking. The fridge was also a bit barren. All that was left was this packet of bacon. Not very imaginative or healthy. But we did eat some watermelon for pudding, honest!
Friday: Fish and Chips
Today felt a bit like the last day of term, and it very nearly was. We celebrated with fish, chips, battered sausages and mushy peas from the chip shop. And Pimm’s, of course! We ate them in our deckchairs on the lawn – bliss.
Clearly last week’s cookery was not my finest hour. Hopefully we’ll fare better next time!
Hi again Lizzie, and thanks for your lovely reply to me the other week.
Those meals all look delicious! I don’t have a blog, I only read others’ – I think the downside of blogging, as I see it, as an “older” mum, is that some people’s blogs seem to set out to portray some kind of perfect lifestyle that we all ought to be aspiring to, whether that’s in what we wear, what beauty products we use, how we decorate our homes?
Your blog is so lovely, natural and honest, showing the ups and downs of parenthood and running a home. Don’t change!!
PS I’m sure, in fact I know, I fed my boys much worse meals when they were little and they have lived to tell the tale (now 21 and 24).
Love to you all, Karen x
Thank you so much Karen! Do your boys enjoy eating their greens now they are in the twenties? I’m hoping my two will eventually pick up their father’s love for cabbage! x
Actually yes, they’ve never been too bad as regards greens. The younger one used to make a song and dance about broccoli at one time so I think we must have called it “trees” to encourage him and that has stuck in our family vocabulary, because I still find myself asking – do you want some trees?
Elder son has some little fads – has never liked beans of any kind, including baked beans, can eat tomatoes cooked and in sauces but not raw. Younger one hates nuts – no allergy, just doesn’t like them and never eats crisps. I was going to say both hate fizzy drinks – they have never been banned in our house but they just don’t like them. However, they do seem since mid-teens to have acquired a little taste for beer and lager…..
Hope you’re all well
Karen x
I love this idea! (almost as much as I love fish & chips, what a great end to your week! 🙂 ). We’re real home cook foodies but can be quite bad at remembering all the meals we’ve discovered and loved over the years. Perhaps if I took photos it’d help. Would you recommend the Leon book? x
The fish and chips really were heaven – there’s something about eating them outdoors that makes them taste even better! This is the Leon book: . I’ve only made one thing so far, but I would recommend it on that alone as it was so delicious x