This first full week of January is always a struggle. It’s hard returning to early starts, routines and clock-watching after the lazy days of Christmas. It’s been a bit of slog, but not as bad as I thought it would be. Being busy again has really made me appreciate the simple pleasures of my day. They’re the little moments that sparkle and glow.
Going out for coffee… I missed grown-up coffee shops during the school holidays. A little ambition I have for 2019 is to visit as many new coffee places as I can. This week I went to Bould Brothers on Round Church Street in Cambridge. It’s a really pretty little place that’s perfect for cold winter days. I took my flat white and sticky bun upstairs and enjoyed the view from the window.
Fresh blooms… Spring might be a long way off, but luckily there are plenty of pretty flowers in the shops. I bought a big bunch of tulips and hyacinths for my front room this week. They’re filling the gap left by the Christmas tree and feel so fresh and light.
Losing myself in a good box set… I’m now incapable of watching normal live TV. If I find something I like I just watch it every night until I’ve devoured it all. This week I tried You on Netflix. It’s quite compulsive in a love/hate kind of way. It certainly provided good escapism on gloomy January nights!
What have you been loving this week?
Coffee too – I sat reading in a cafe this morning after school run and haircut.
Reading – great book at the moment that I don’t want to put down.
Easing myself into better food and exercise – a couple of short workouts and some inspiring podcasts.
You’ve got it so right Anne! Little things make such a difference.