While dragging myself out of bed this morning, I thought: wouldn’t it be nice to just hibernate for the rest of winter? I’d be like a little hedgehog under a pile of leaves, emerging only when spring has sprung.
I’d woken up with my umpteenth cold of the season and felt more than a little cross and prickly. People who jet off somewhere warm in January aren’t just lucky, they’re clever too. If my kids weren’t in school I’d be sorely tempted to have a week’s holiday somewhere hot too. Sadly though, I’m stuck in the grey UK for the foreseeable and I’m guessing most of you are too. What can we do about it?
Don’t fight the urge to hibernate – embrace it!
Your home is your nest. Hedgehogs like to find a pile of leaves or a warm compost heap to hibernate in. It’s even easier for us. Make your own four walls as cosy as possible with blankets, cushions and fairy lights. Retire to bed in the middle of the day with a hot water bottle or (my personal favourite) an electric blanket.
Cocoon yourself. When you do have to leave the house, cocoon yourself in soft, comforting layers. I’m currently very attached to my knitted headband which is insanely warm. And, because it’s not technically a hat, it’s completely acceptable to wear it indoors all day long. Also very useful for greasy hair days.
Eat all the good stuff. Whatever that means to you. For me, it’s simple and satisfying food that’ll warm your heart. Sausage and mash, toast and marmalade, tomato soup and crackers…apple crumble, banana bread and leftover Christmas cake. For you it might be salads and smoothies or fish and chips. A little bit of what you fancy never did anyone any harm.
Be sociable on your own terms.Hibernating doesn’t have to mean being antisocial. Share your warm cosy nest with friends and family! Cook a Sunday roast and spend the afternoon playing board games, or invite friends over for a simple dinner.If you want to venture out, cloak yourself in the comforting darkness of the cinema or seek out cosy pubs with real fires.
Fill up your reserves of happiness. Just like a hibernating mouse, it’s OK to hunker down and keep things simple during the winter months. You don’t have to put your life and ambitions on hold just because it’s cold outside, but it’s also important to give yourself time to recharge and relax. Make time for the things that matter to you and bring you pleasure. Fill up your reserves of happiness now and you’ll have something to draw on all winter.
Call it what you like: hibernating, hygge or nesting. It’s basically all about nurturing yourself. Go on, embrace your inner hedgehog.
What a lovely blog! So sorry you’ve got a cold XXXX