Put the clocks forward
This is the weekend we spring forward into British Summer Time! Put your clocks forward by one hour before you go to bed on Saturday night. I always feel slightly cheated by losing that hour of my weekend, but I’ve got to admit it’s all in a good cause.

Mother’s Day
Motherhood is an awfully big adventure. Ten years ago, I couldn’t have dreamt how much it would change me for the better. You experience the best of times and the worst of times – and all of it is precious.
Marks and Spencer were kind enough to send me a lovely bouquet from their Mother’s Day range which has made me feel super happy! You can order up until midday on Saturday 30 March!

Make hummus
Making your own hummus couldn’t be simpler! Soak 100g of dried chickpeas overnight. The next day, drain the chickpeas and cover with fresh water. Simmer for an hour or so, or until the chickpeas are soft. Drain, reserving a little of the cooking water. In a food processor, or using a hand held blitzer, whizz together the chickpeas with the juice of a lemon, a tbsp of tahini, a tbsp of olive oil and a clove of garlic. Season to taste and sprinkle with a little cayenne pepper. Refrigerate for an hour before serving. This makes a good portion to share between two.

Listen to a podcast
Thanks to the BBC Sounds app, I’ve got really into listening to podcasts again. I love having them on while I’m tidying up, or going on a long walk. You can totally lose yourself in them. There’s so much to choose from, but my current favourites are by Chris Warburton at Radio 5 Live. Remember I watched true crime documentary, The Staircase on Netflix the other week? Well, Chris has produced a brilliant podcast about the same case – it’s essential if you were left intrigued and little unsatisfied by the Staircase’s one-sided portrayal of the case. I’m now halfway through another of his podcasts – End of Days. It’s about the Waco cult in Texas in the early 90s. Not the easiest listen, but extremely well done.hop the Boden sale
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