You may have noticed that I haven’t published a list of resolutions yet this year. That’s because I’m not making any. l have plenty of dreams and aspirations, but I’m keeping them fluid this year. I’m not ready to make a list.
January isn’t the best month of the year to be rigid with yourself. I want to concentrate on nurturing and nourishing myself instead. I’m going to take these simple steps to make the beginning of the year feel a happier, more positive time and I hope good things will start happening as a result.
I’m thinking about the little steps, rather than the big ones… The new year feels like one enormous blank canvas, with so many plans and thoughts swirling around. I want to avoid feeling like a rabbit caught in the headlights. So, I’m avoiding looking at the enormity of it and just focusing on the little details. That niggling e-mail is just one pebble on the beach. Pick it up, deal with it and then move on. Trying to think about everything at once is like filling your bag with a hundred pebbles and dragging it round behind you. And while you’re sifting through those pebbles you’ll eventually be rewarded with a bit of treasure.
Before you write your to-do list, make a brainstorm… it’s a bit more fun and positive and, well, less rigid. Let your ideas flow around the page, rather than squashing them into a list. Grab a sheet of empty paper and fill it with ideas and tasks – it both empties the mind and fires it up again. Then write your list of what really matters.
Eating better, but not necessarily less… my trousers are admittedly feeling a little snug after Christmas, but a punishing diet will get me no where. Instead, I’m just going to be sensible. I’m going to finish off the Christmas cake one small slice at a time, and have a drink in the evenings – but I won’t be eating any meals based entirely on cheese. I’m easing myself gradually back into good habits one day at a time. My favourite thing at the moment is a slice of toast topped with nice things like mackerel, cherry tomatoes and a poached egg.
Stretch out your legs and take a walk… After a Christmas spent mainly indoors, I’m already feeling better for walking again. As usual I’ve started the year with fitness at the back of my mind, but for now I’m just focusing on walking as much as possible. Eventually I want these steps to turn into a run, but I’m not quite ready yet. I’m not going to feel bad about it. For now I’m walking to get places, and walking for pleasure.
If all else fails, think like a cat… I like their take it or leave it attitude to life. They don’t care what anyone thinks of them. A little bit selfish, but wonderfully uncomplicated. I think we could all learn a little from that couldn’t we?
Thank you so much for this post! I know people mean well when they come up with “101 ways to make resolutions that will change your life” but really it depresses me before I’ve even read it! Your approach however is genuinely refreshing and far more likely to work! Definitely some suggestions here that I can get on board with, thank you for your gentle take on starting a new year
Thanks so much Rhona – I’m so pleased you enjoyed it. I’m really finding the ideas beneficial so far x
“That niggling email is just one pebble on a beach.” I love that, Lizzie. And it’s so very true! Small steps all the way. Xxx
Thanks Catherine! x
Your pebble thought is exactly what I needed today….thank you, love love love this post xxxx
Such a lovely, easy-going post Lizzie. I wholeheartedly agree.
I loved reading this. Made me feel a lot better and that I need to do things just one step at a time.
Ah, I love this. We are definitely on the same wave length. All of this completely appeals. (I do need to sort out my emails). Thinking like a cat is SO the way forward, I do think it’s important to find time to be a little bit selfish, particularly as a parent, you spend so much time on other people’s needs. Wishing you a wonderful 2017.