September is a time for new starts. A time to sort and plan. Sweeping out the stale, tired things onto a bonfire. This can be either literal or metaphorical, I find.
Even with my own school days a distant memory, September always feels so optimistic – new challenges, faced with shiny new shoes and sharpened pencils. I’ve always found it to be a more inspiring time of year to make resolutions than January.
This is all the more true this year as I’m about to embark on a new chapter in my life. By the end of next week, both my boys will be at school full-time. I’ve been a stay at home mother for nearly seven years now. That’s not going to change overnight. I still want to be there to drop them off and pick them up. I’ll be sad to see this part of my life ending, but there’s a subtle feeling of excitement and expectation in the air. New opportunities are emerging and I want to step into them.
I’m not thinking that big yet, but here’s a few modest resolutions that I would like to embrace this Autumn…
To be more organised. I do try to be organised, but I’m naturally a bit of a ditherer and just sticking every school letter to fridge is not going to cut it with two children in school. We’re talking box files, lots of them. And lists that mean something and get completed. Last year at school I forgot too many little things – it annoys me and makes feel inept.
To do more crafting. With a bit more time, I want start getting more creative. I want to buy that sewing machine I’ve been thinking about, and really make an effort to use it. I also have some Clangers I need to knit. A bit more time means I can get stuck into a project.
To make the house a better place. In terms of housework, I only ever tread water. With the boys at school, I’m looking forward to getting some routines in place to keep things looking tidier for longer. I don’t particularly love cleaning, and I resent how messy everything gets. I also want to change the things that annoy me – like touching up dirty paintwork or tidying a bookshelf. The kind of things that really irritate me on a vague, day-to-day level.
To be more frugal. I’d like to buy less. I’m not too bad, but I’m very good at realising I desperately need something, and just buying it. I’d like to save more.
To think seriously about extending our house. We keep moaning about the things we don’t like, but never changing anything. I’d like a plan – can we extend in a few years, or is it better to move on?
To get a puppy. I’m getting closer, just need to find the right puppy now.
To continue to grow and develop this blog. But also to remember that there is life outside it.
To earn some money. Maybe through writing, or maybe something entirely different.
To get fit and lose weight. I’ve really lost a lot of fitness this year after hurting my back really badly after Christmas. I’d like to feel fitter and for my jeans to be a little looser. I’m planning on trying to incorporate some runs into my usual school routines. I’d also like to swim once a week, and maybe go to a class one morning. My physio has also referred me for a exercise plan with a trainer at our local gym – something which fills me with mild trepidation, but which I’m determined to try. I also need to get back to my daily back exercises – I’ve let things slip during the holidays and I can feel it.
What are your Autumn resolutions?
Catherine @pushingthemoon says
Love this Lizzie, I think you and I have similar resolutions. I was actually going to write a type of resolution post too (I’m turning 40 in six months so it’s resolutions regarding that) so I will link back to you when I write it. Xxx
marmaladepie says
Oh, yes do link back, I’d love to see them! x
Jo Warde says
Hi Lizzie, I’m thinking on the same lines. Would you like a running partner maybe once a week? x
marmaladepie says
Yes Jo, I would love that!! Be prepared for Mrs Tomato-face the slow coach though!
Imogene says
To make the house a better place – I’m right with you, I constantly tread water with chores and everything gets done to a mediocre level because there’s always so much other stuff to do! Drives you mad doesn’t it? I’m always complaining my house is too small and cluttered up, but no one else seems to feel that way about it haha!
As for the frugal part… I try and fail constantly 😉
marmaladepie says
A tidy house isn’t everything, but it’s definitely something! I’m aiming for great things once my two are settled into school…
a touch of domesticity / katie sparrow says
It’s pretty spooky how similar that list is to mine! The puppy and the house extension are the only things I wouldn’t have on my plan. I’ve been waiting all summer for the boys to go to school (the youngest used to just do 3 hours a day at nursery) and for me to finally, finally get on top of everything! Although here we are, with just two days left of the school holiday (we go back late in Derbyshire) and I suddenly want to hold them close and never let them go to school. Especially the youngest. Heart over head!
marmaladepie says
Yes, that’s exactly how I feel. The house is feeling very quiet this afternoon… Although I miss them though I think a bit of time apart is good for all of us. Plus, Tom is really ready for school (he’s nearly 5) and I think he’ll really benefit from the extra stimulation x