My dislike for Mondays is nothing new. As soon as the credits start rolling on whatever Sunday night drama I’m watching, the gloom descends – it’s as regular as clockwork.
But I’m trying to be different. This morning when I woke up a little phrase popped into my head:
Let’s start every week like it’s a new notebook.
A fresh new notebook is a beautiful metaphor for life. Open the front cover, write your name on the flyleaf and start afresh.
Last week’s notebook is looking a little dog-eared. Don’t throw it away just yet – you might need to refer back to it – but don’t let it be your focus. Leave it at home, you don’t need to keep carrying it around with you. Whatever happened last week can stay in last week.
Monday doesn’t have to be scary, it can be optimistic. Turn over those crisp new pages of your notebook and get going.
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