We’ve reached the end of the working week. Let’s all give ourselves a pat on the back! Because we’re moving soon, my life is ever so slightly chaotic right now. This week I have been drawing comfort from the simple things in life: beer, IKEA cinnamon buns and these three things…
Plastic-free shopping. Since we’ve started packing up our house, I’ve been overwhelmed by the amount of packaging, broken things and just stuff we’ve thrown out. The waste is sickening. Obviously we give away the useful things, but there’s still a lot which just has to go in the bin. After all this, I found a shopping trip to my local market really refreshing. I bought my fruit and veg loose, with no useless plastics, and my bread in a paper bag. I always find it satisfying, but it felt doubly so this week.
Olive oil soap. While we’re thinking about cutting down on plastic, I wanted to tell you about this Olive oil soap from Holland and Barrett. We now only use bars of soap in our house, but it’s surprisingly hard to find affordable ones that aren’t wrapped in plastic. I love posh soap, but it’s a bit excessive for washing your hands. It infuriates me that Pears soap (my favourite budget buy) is wrapped in plastic inside its cardboard box. Madness. Anyway, this olive oil soap comes in a simple cardboard box and only costs £1.69. Quite a boring smell, but I can live with that.
Getting out with my camera. I recently signed up for a photography course. I’m only a few weeks in, but already I’ve enjoyed thinking differently about my photography. I’ve been on a couple of walks around town snapping photos of things that catch my eye. It’s a great way to get chatting to people and I particularly enjoy photographing dogs.
What have you been loving this week?
Great news re your photography course! XXXXX
I really enjoy these posts of yours Lizzie. I am as infuriated as you at the use of plastic everywhere. I love going to the market and was delighted to see recently that one of our local supermarkets is promoting bringing your own container for the meat and fish counters.
I really sympathise with your point about plastic being difficult to avoid and your soap idea is great. I’m a keen photographer too and the outdoors and the animals I find there are my favourite subjects as well.
Well done on doing these things. I’ve been trying to be conscious of the palm oil in so many products lately – and then avoid them.
Debs @ https://tiger-mint.com