What makes a dream pet? Ask different people and you get a different answer. For some, it’s the comfort and companionship. Others like the fresh air and exercise of a daily dog walk. Or maybe, it’s the thrill of the exotic.
If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, then you’ll know that I’ve always been a dog person. I grew up with them and I always saw a dog in my future. It was the dream.
Life doesn’t always work out the way you planned though, does it? At the age of 33, I realised that I’ve been a closet cat lady all along. Which has been something of a surprise for me, but makes sense for a lot of reasons.
It’s taught me that it’s possible to find your dream pet in the unlikeliest of places.
When Pet Plan got in touch recently and asked my eldest son to design his dream pet I fully expected him to come up with a fun feline creation. But, no, he designed a whale!
I shouldn’t have been surprised really. He’s always had a fascination for aquatic creatures. Sadly, fish tanks and lively cats aren’t the best combination. And I think we’d struggle to fit a whale in the house anyway. But luckily, Pet Plan were able to wave their magic wand and bring his creation to life on a more manageable scale!
Whaley, is a super-cuddly creature who is enjoying life in the top bunk. He’s very easy to look after, and manages to get away with living on dry land most of the time. His favourite food is pizza.
Gabriel says, “Whales are cool and you can ride on them. When I sleep at night I cuddle him and dream about going on adventures together.”
Which is what all of us want from a pet, isn’t it? Comfort and fun.
What I’ve realised it that it doesn’t really matter what kind of pet you have – it’s how it makes you feel that counts. Whether it’s a stick insect or a cuddly whale, if it makes you happy then it’s a winner.
This post was commissioned by Pet Insurance from Pet Plan.
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