The summer holidays are upon us! I’m trying to be organised this year and plan lots of activities and get-togethers. But there’s always going to be some slack time when everyone gets a little bored.
For these moments, make a boredom jar. All you need to do is write down lots of activities on bits of paper and fill a jar with them!
Paint a picture….go on a scooter ride…write someone a letter…bake biscuits…read a book…post a postcard…make a dinosaur world…
Get your children to write down some ideas too (although maybe tell them not to write down go to Legoland).
I’m keeping mine really simple and cheap. Oh, and if you suggest a craft activity, remember to have all the things ready in the cupboard.
If you need any other inspiration how about checking out my posts on making a miniature garden and magic potions?
Brilliant idea Lizzie!
Love this idea, have just got the jar ready for the morning!