My word of the week has definitely been perseverance. Half term is very close, we are so nearly there…but there have been a few tears this week and a general lack of enthusiasm. There have also been a lot of dull appointments to keep, and an awful lot of rain and hail. I think April and May got in a muddle this year and swapped places!
The weekend was a very quiet, restful one. James had been abroad for a couple of days last week, so we were all happy to batten the hatches down and keep things simple. We had a nice lazy morning on Saturday and then the brief excitement of going along to an open day for a house we’d seen for sale. It was lovely, but not quite perfect enough to tempt us out of our comfort zone.
Afterwards, we had a little stroll along a nearby footpath and a picnic in a meadow. The above view looks almost French, don’t you think? Not too Fen-y for once – although it’s actually just about a mile and half from our house. And the cow parsley was frothing away….
Saturday was also an exciting day as my first My Little Box arrived from France. Review to appear shortly!
On Sunday we had another chilled out day. James made the most amazing homemade English muffins, which we had for brunch. I can’t quite convey how amazing these were.
I also got my paints out, more of which here.
I have also been seeking some comfort in some old favourites this week. I’ve re-watched the 1995 BBC Pride and Prejudice for the first time in ages. Really glad I did. I thought it was ruined after watching it about a thousand times as a teenager. But the break has done it good.
I’ve also been re-reading Riders by Jilly Cooper. Again, it’s been a while. I think it must be the third or fourth time I’ve read it. Dear old Jillly never disappoints.
This week has also heralded the return of the Daily Mail Lego. Though it pains me deeply to hand over my 60p for that paper, it’s worth it for the Lego. In other news, James randomly decided to make some toffee apples. I’m still not sure why, but they were very nice and he didn’t make too much of mess.
I hope you all have a great weekend, and half-term holidays if you have one. We have a big adventure planned for next week which I’ll share with you soon.
Lizzie x
Looks like you’ve had a lovely week, especially with P&P, I’m a big fan also! 😀
Definitely keeping my eye out on that review.. the box looks gorgeous.
The box is so pretty – review up next week hopefully x
Ooh that box looks quite intriguing – but what lovely blue skies. We were in Norfolk last week and the skies were awesome. I too have thought the weather has swapped months, let’s hope it sorts itself out for June 🙂 #wotw
The box is so pretty Stephanie – I was very excited about opening it. When the sun is shining the big skies of the East are truly at their best! In terms of the weather, I suppose it wouldn’t be too bad if June and July were the wrong way round… x
Looks a lovely week. Beautiful photos, and those muffins look really good! I like Riders, too, and it;s funny how through the series you come to like RCB a lot more than you do in Riders. It’s been years since I read them, though, maybe I’ll re-read, too. Thanks for sharing with #WotW x
I think Rupert and Helen are equally awful, aren’t they? Rupert is a bit like Don Draper though – so awful, but yet you still find yourself liking him – especially in the later books! x
Looks like a great week! Gorgeous photos!
Have a great weekend and a lovely half term x
Thank you Kim! x
Beautiful views. A touch of France for sure. Love the cover of the box. Your run up to half term sounds a bit like ours. #Wotw
Thank you for stopping by! I am already enjoying a more relaxing school-free week… Hope you have a great half term x
That walk and the woods looks amazing! What a beautiful place. Yes May has been a bit hit and miss with the weather. Disappointing indeed! I thought we’d be strolling about in flip flops now! Hope we all get a lovely half term to make up for it 🙂 Jess x
I’m really hoping my sandals come out again soon. Surely June won’t disappoint? x
Sounds like a lovely week! Love watercoloring and I promise to do some coloring today =) #wotw
Thank you! x
That cow parsley walk looks absolutely beautiful. You lucky things. It just hasn’t been warm or dry enough for a picnic here in weeks and weeks and weeks (I may be exaggerating but I think that’s what happens when it’s supposed to be nearly summer and you wake up to jumper and raincoat weather every morning!). By the way I live very near to the building they used for Mr Darcy’s house in that TV production of Pride & Prejudice. It really is just as lovely and I think of it every time we go!
Oh, I love Lyme Park…I’ve only been once but I’d love to go back as it was years ago! Maybe this summer I’ll have to find a campsite nearby. We’ve been lucky in Cambs to have some nice days in May, but it’s definitely been mostly grey and chilly. I’m on the Isle of Man at present which is very cold! x
Oh Lizzie I loved this post! Photos are gorgeous. Especially the cow parsley! And that breakfast looks divine…
Thanks so much Rosie! The muffins were truly wonderful, I’m hoping he’s going to make some more this weekend… x