Suddenly we seem to have turned a corner and found ourselves in fully-fledged Autumn. The trees changed colour overnight, and it’s been really cold here. We’re resisting turning the heating on yet, but if we had a wood burner it would definitely be lit right now. Jumpers and scarves are having to do for the moment.
At the weekend we drove over to Anglesey Abbey to appreciate the Autumn colours in all their glory.
The silver birch trees and hundreds of tiny pink cyclamens look wonderful at this time of year. Whilst walking through the gardens we inadvertently captured – almost to the day – a scene from five years ago. Back then, I was seven months pregnant and holding the hand of a two-and-a-half year old. This time I was holding the hand of an almost seven year old, with the tiny baby running ahead of us.
I collected lots of leaves, and the boys let off some steam with their giant sticks.
On Sunday we had a lovely lunch with my parents. After lunch James and I wandered round my home town looking at all he huge period houses we could (almost) afford if we were willing to leave our small-city life (we’re not). Behind this wall is this most amazing house, currently for sale.
On Monday my youngest son had his first reception parents’ evening. It went very well, and it is such a joy to see him blossoming at the moment. He thinks and says the sweetest things. Amongst this week’s favourites are: ‘Mummy, you smell like a warm pillow,’ and ‘They didn’t have toast in the 1970s.’ The latter said with fierce conviction.
During the week we also had a couple of builders in to get some advice about possible renovations projects on our house. It’s a daunting decision as even small additions, like a downstairs loo and a modest extension would be big, big money. Things do need fixing, but perhaps not to this extent. Inertia is beginning to set in again.
I’ve managed a few runs and a swim at the pool. But I’ve also drank far too much wine and gone to bed too late every night. The cold-snap is making me crave stodge, sugar and red wine. Must. Be. Strong.
I don’t want to mention the C word, but I have embarked on a little festive crafting. I’m hoping to tun these little mittens (from the advent garland in this book) into some sort of decoration. Aren’t they just the cutest thing you’ve ever seen?
This week I have enjoyed…
Lusting after all kinds of lovely Autumnal clothes that I can’t really afford
Eating soup. Lots of soup. Heinz Minestrone and homemade leek and potato.
Drinking Aldi wine. We stocked up a few weeks ago. It’s really very good. As is their Oliver Cromwell Gin.
Reading Katie’s wonderfully honest post about her future.
Don’t give up – sometimes the right house just comes along when you’re least expecting it XXXXXX
Those mittens are adorable! There’s nothing quite like a good Autumn walk, and those leaves are so pretty.
Thank you Rachel! x
My thoughts have turned to Christmas this week too. Mainly by starting a list of who I need to buy gifts for. But it’s a start. I see your back to hair straightening too. I like it 🙂
Me too! I think I need to grow it again really so I can ease off the super-straight look though… x
I’m really looking forward to seeing your festive garland! I’m getting into full on Christmas planning mode at the moment, and quite excited about it too! xxx
Thanks Catherine! I can’t decide whether to join them all together in a row, or sew them together in little pairs to hang on the tree x
Reading this I’ve discovered that a) I’m 10 days behind in my blog post reading and that means my bloglovin feed has 168 unread posts in it! b) I pretty much love everything you wear but that raspberry coloured dress is just the yummiest. c) Your little one says the sweetest things! And d) You mentioned my post! So you also say the sweetest things. Thank you xx
Thanks Katie! He does come out with such lovely things – I need to keep remembering to write them down! x