It’s been a big week in the Marmalade Pie household. Tom has started in reception. He’s worn his new uniform, eaten his hot lunches and generally been very brave and enthusiastic. It’s been a little bewildering at times for both of us, but we’re getting there and it’s genuinely a relief to finally get started after all the build-up.
Gabriel, too, has coped really well with his first full week in Year 2. There’s lots of new homework to grapple with (I’m not sure any of us know what a pronoun is) but it’s all felt very positive so far. Year 1 never really felt that special – a bit in-betweeny. Year 2 sounds a lot more fun. I’m already loving the idea of some of their topics – re-enacting the Crimean War in the school hall and a sixteenth century dressing up day – it all sounds pretty cool to me! I just wish there didn’t have to be quite so many spelling and maths tests.
As you can imagine, we’ve all been very focused on school this week and there’s not been much time for anything else. We did, however, squeeze in a visit to Anglesey Abbey last weekend. The weather was wonderful and we enjoyed visiting the new area which has been added to the children’s woodland area. You can’t go wrong with a few straw bales, a wobbly bridge and a treehouse, can you?
During my time alone, I’ve been concentrating on simple things – arranging flowers…
…and gathering things from the garden…
This week has also been characterised by tiredness – staying up too late, not eating properly and generally feeling a little wobbly. It’ll take a while to get into a new rhythm. I’m excited about it, but also a little afraid. Limited time during the day has always been a good reason for putting things off – not so anymore…
My mind feels like our local branch of Wilkinson’s – which has been bafflingly re-arranged since we went on holiday. I’ll get used it, but it’ll take a bit of time!
How has your week been? Have your little ones gone off to school for the first time too?
As usual I’m linking up with Jocelyn’s Word of the Week. This week the word that best sums up my week is bewildered.
Anglesey Abbey looks like a lot of fun! M would love it there.
I think bewildering is a good way to describe the first week in reception – we’ve had ALL the emotions this week, and I am very much looking forward to a weekend of relaxing at home with family.
Hope you have a great weekend! Xxx
Thanks Catherine – we’re all looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend. We’re off to Haddenham Steam Rally – maybe you remember it from when you lived in Ely? Hope you have a great weekend too x
Sounds like a big week, glad that the boys are both settling in well, though it does all seem bewildering. It’ll take time to adjust, I think, and no, no excuses now! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x
Yes, as of next week, there will be no excuses! I just hope Tom manages ok next week as I’m useless when I’m worried about them… x
Sounds like you are in for a lot of fun during the academic year. #wotw
I’m quite envious – it sounds fun!
Wow, year 2 does sound interesting!
Our Freddie started last week and I can’t believe how fast its gone by – I think it really does take it out of our 4 year olds, bless them. I hope Tom is enjoying it? Importantly, settles in soon 🙂
Thanks Imogene – he’s sort of enjoying it, but would definitely rather be at home. It’ll be easier next week when more of his friends are there (they divide them up between mornings and afternoons according to age). Hope Freddie has had a good week too!
Oh I can so empathise with your bewilderment! Starting reception is a big step and I think it takes our 4yolds – and us – a little while to settle in. As for Yr 2, we’ve just left it and it’s a fun year. They do learn so very much (ours did a re-enactment of the Great Fire of London with the Fire Brigade in the playground to dampen out the fires!!), have a visit or two from the tooth fairy (that’s another amazing milestone) and are still very imaginative and playful. It’s a lovely year & I certainly learnt a thing or two as well…
Enjoy it
PS: thnx for the new follow
That Great Fire activity sounds fantastic! We’ve already had a few visits from the tooth fairy – something tells me there’ll be a lot more this year! x
It’s been a weird week, hasn’t it? My eldest started school and even though my littlest is home with me, it’s been a much easier week than what I’m used to. However, I think my body has seized an opportunity to unwind slightly and as a result I’ve not felt very well at all. I think it’s telling me that I should rest a bit while I have a chance. Take care of yourself x
Thanks Rachel! I think it’s affecting me more this time as it’s my youngest – but overall, once we’ve ironed out the niggles, it’ll be a really positive things. Hope you feel better soon! x
Its a funny time of year isn’t it? Even though you feel so ready for it, it is so far to adapt too, I find it so hard getting back into a routine, homework and after school clubs at this time of year x
It’s amazing how long six weeks can feel isn’t it? x
Lovely photos to tell the story of your week 🙂
Wilkinson’s layout always seemed a bit hit-and-miss to me so I must get into town and see what they’ve done now!
I’m starting to get used to it now!