The first warm day of the year. Saturday was a fabulously sunny day and we threw open all the windows. My back was still very bad at this point so I took things really easy – tea in bed with my new my Persephone book, and a long bath. All nice things, but much more enjoyable when you’re not in pain! While I crept around indoors, the boys and James decided to hack down a huge shrub in our garden – as usually happens when the three of them are left unsupervised in the garden. They boys turned the branches into their own castle, complete with dungeons and trapdoors, and came in at tea time grubby and happy.
My Dad’s 60th birthday party. On Sunday we drove over to my parents for lunch to celebrate. My sister, brother-in-law and new baby niece were there too, along with my grandparents. It is very rare these days for us all to be in the same place at once! Babies always steal the show and we all enjoyed cooing over Beth.
Signing up to Instagram. I’ve been meaning to do this for a while but had resisted as I wasn’t entirely sure I needed another social media thing in my life. But I’ve been increasingly frustrated not to be a part of it, so decided to give it go. It makes me feel slightly old and confused, but I think I’m getting the hand of it – it’s sort of like Twitter crossed with Flickr? I’m lizzie_woodman – hello!
I finally tidied the front room. Be gone shameful mountain of wool and piles of magazines! Wool mountain now lurking in my bedroom, but will hopefully make it into a plastic box some time this year. I have also dismantled the small telephone exchange (don’t ask) that the boys and James made a few weeks back and hidden it in a cupboard
What I’m reading. I finished Because of the Lockwoods early in the week – such an absorbing book, I’m still thinking about it now. I hate finishing something so good and always find it hard to decide what to move onto next. Usually the best thing is to find something undemanding to re-read. This week I have chosen Love Letters, part one of Joan Wyndham’s wartime diaries. It’s been a while since I read this (5 years or so?) and it’s so witty and charming – the perfect literary palate cleanser! One of my favourite bits:
‘…how can I describe him? If I was feeling romantic I should say I saw Pan, if realistic, then the most depraved long-haired Bohemian, in a blue shirt and corduroy pants, that ever drank cheap wine in the Artists’ Cafe.’
What’s not to love?
What I’ve bought. I may have ordered a little Cath Kidston skirt in their sale this week. It has tractors on it, so I had to buy it if only to please my four-year-old. I love their cute cotton skirts – this will be number 4…

Lizzie x
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