You’ll have noticed that things look different around here. I’m changing the name of my blog to Lizzie Woodman. The web address will soon be different, but I promise that the content you love will stay the same.
How did Marmalade Pie start?
I began writing Marmalade Pie in 2014. It was a simple way to express myself after years of being a stay-at-home mum. At first I mostly wrote about parenting and simple craft ideas. Marmalade Pie felt like a whimsical little name that could encompass all this, and more.
Why change?
The simple answer is that I’ve outgrown it. The name Marmalade Pie doesn’t really feel like me anymore. I owe it a lot: it taught me to be a better writer and to find freelance work that I love. But it’s time to move on.

Multi-hyphenated life
I’m now living that very millennial concept: a multi-hyphenated life. Which basically means I’m a blogger/freelance writer/mother/social media manager/avocado eater. There are lots of different strands to my life and work. I’d like to pull them all together under the comforting umbrella of my own name: Lizzie Woodman.
This will still be a blog
This website will still primarily be a blog. It will also incorporate more stories from my life as a freelancer which I hope you’ll enjoy too. I want to write about the things you all care about – eco living, fashion, lifestyle, books and everything in between. I hope you like it.
Tell me what you’d like to see
I’d love to hear more from you about the kind of content you’d like to see here. More about freelance work? More travel? Let me know!

It’s great to see marmalade pie moving forward as you reach your full potential xxxx