I love long summer evenings. When you’ve finished work for the day it’s wonderful to look out of the window and know you’ve still got a few of hours of daylight ahead. I like to make the most of this bonus time by heading out for an early evening walk. And here’s why I think you should too:
The poetry of a summer night
The sights and sounds of a summer’s evening are every bit as compelling as your latest TV boxset. Go for a stroll round your neighbourhood and drink it all in. Listen to the birds, smell your neighbours’ roses and watch the sun sink down over the rooftops. It’s like poetry, and no matter what kind of day you’ve had, it’ll lift your spirits.

Re-connect while you walk
Have you ever noticed how well conversations flow while you walk? An early evening stroll is a great way to re-connect with your family after a day apart. Tackle those tricky conversations, share stories from your day – or just enjoy the companionable silence. If you don’t fancy company, take a solo walk to clear your head and re-connect with your own feelings.

It’s great exercise
A brisk one-mile walk can burn up to 100kcal – which is the same as swimming for ten minutes or doing 15 minutes of aerobics! To get the full health benefits of walking, you need to move at a brisk pace. Enough to make your heart beat faster, and to warm you up – but you should still be able to talk and enjoy your surroundings.

A chance to change your scenery
When you’ve got time, why not take your stroll slightly further afield? They say a change is as good as a rest, and it’s true. The photos from this post were taken on a late-afternoon walk in north Norfolk. It’s not far from our home, but the landscape is completely different. Getting away from your usual surroundings and routines gives you chance to switch off for a while, to breathe and re-charge. Our short walk in the late-afternoon sun managed to feel soothing and invigorating at the same time.

End the day on a positive note
A great evening has the potential to turn around a bad day. Had a frustrating day at work? Or maybe you argued with the kids at breakfast time. Taking a early evening stroll helps put everything in perspective. It’s like sunshine on a rainy day. Plus, that little bit of extra exercise will help you sleep well later.

Basically, what I’m trying to say is that summertime flies by, so make the most of it!
P.S Remember to always walk safely and responsibly. Take an early evening stroll while it’s still light and there are plenty of people still around. If you’re venturing out alone or going off the beaten track, let someone else know your plans beforehand and check in when you get home.
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