June makes me think of roses in bloom, fresh strawberries and long sunny days. The weather is spectacularly wet at the moment, so I’m cherishing any brief spells of sunshine we get. Those magical moments when the skies finally clear and the sun breaks through are worth waiting for. I want my house and garden to feel just as bright, fresh and full of hope. Here’s everything that’s on my home and garden radar this month…
Flowers of the month
Peonies are my favourite showstoppers right now. Just a few stems creates such a wonderful display that will give your home instant charm and character. I’m also loving the simple, startling blue of cornflowers – they’re the complete opposite of big blousy peonies and I love them for it. For fantastic long-lasted value from the supermarket, try Sweet Williams.

Strawberries and cream crockery
Cheer up your summer table with some pretty new crockery and glasses. This month I can’t resist pretty pinks and floral designs – even if rain spoils your fun, these beauties will cheer you up!

Blur the lines between home and garden with an outdoor rug
This month I’ve noticed a new trend for outdoor rugs. Not to be confused with doormats, these waterproof rugs are the perfect way to soften the look of patio and decking. I love the idea of stacking up cushions and pillows on these in the sunshine.

Re-discovering incense
I always used to burn joss sticks in the 90s, but grew out of them once I discovered scented candles. Recently though, I’ve re-discovered joy of using incense to scent my home. It’s miles cheaper than fancy scented candles and the fragrance lasts a lot longer. I pick them up in my local hippy shop for about a £1 a packet, but you can also buy them online here along with wooden holders. If fancy something a bit more aspirational, then The Future Kept do some rather lovely ones from California.
Cat accessories of the month
A new feature for all my fellow cat ladies which needs no flowery embellishment from me.

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