I got the idea for these no-sew lavender bags from my son’s school. They’re definitely simple. They’re also really useful – lavender not only smells lovely, it protects your clothes from moths too.
Here’s what you need to do…
Cut out some circles of fabric. I drew round a small plate with a diameter of 16cm for mine. Use pinking shears if you have them as this will stop the fabric fraying, but don’t worry if you can’t.
Place about a dessert spoon of dried lavender on each circle, then bring the fabric together in a bunch and secure with some ribbon. You can leave the ends of your ribbon long and tie them into a hanging loop if you like.
And that’s it. A little lavender bag for your wardrobe or drawers in five minutes.
I bought a huge bag of lavender from Norfolk Lavender, and all fabrics were scraps from other projects. You could re-use old fabric, or even use the feet off an old pair of tights (although, naturally, this won’t look so pretty!).
They are gorgeous, so simple and so pretty! I love making lavender bags, in our old house we had huge lavender bushes all around the front garden and I was so sad to leave them behind, I harvested loads before we left!
Thanks Jennifer! I would love to have more lavender in my garden, I must get on and plant some!
I think I might give these a go!
Give them a try, they’re so simple!
This is such a clever idea, ideal for the kids to make as gifts for the grandparents. I’ve got a few lavender plants in the garden that I’m hoping to use later in the year but for now I shall have to buy some pre dried (that’s no hardship 😉 ) #homeetc
Thanks Louisa! These would make really sweet presents x
Oh these are lovely! How simple yet effective. I could even get the children to help too. I love Lavender too 🙂 #HomeEtc
Thanks Emma! The children at my son’s school made these at a seventeenth century day and they all loved it!
Beautiful! Definitely something I could manage, thank you for sharing another great crafty tip Xx
Thank you xx
These are so sweet! They would also look lovely as little present toppers tied onto a gift.
Thanks Nancy!
Gorgeous and so sweet! Great as gifts too 🙂 Jess xx #HomeEtc
Thanks Jess!
Aaah I love the scent of lavender — the garden’s full of it in the summer. I keep meaning to go to a proper lavender farm!! One day I’ll get around to it! Caro x #HomeEtc
Thanks Caro!