Here’s an idea for a simple, but stunning, floral arrangement using both fresh and dried flowers.
During the summer I saved all of my aliums from the garden. They’ve taken a few weeks to dry out, along with a few poppy heads. If you don’t have any alliums then gather some dried bit of cow parsley. There’s plenty of it around at the moment – I used a few bits in this arrangement too.
Find a large vase, or bucket. Stick a bit of Oasis inside and moisten – this will help give your arrangement a really strong structure. Arrange your alliums and cow parsley heads in the Oasis – be gentle, they snap quite easily! Start adding a bit of greenery…
Once you’re happy with basic arrangement of dried flowers and greenery, you can add some beautiful fresh flowers. Again, stick them into the Oasis.
All of the fresh flowers, and some of the greenery, came from a £6.99 bunch of flowers from Waitrose – I think the addition of the dried alliums and some extra greenery really turns it in to something special. If you keep the Oasis watered then this arrangement should last for a few days. Once the fresh flowers have wilted, remove your dried flowers dry them out again for another time – Christmas perhaps?
My bucket came from Ikea, but keep an eye out in charity shops for large vases or planters.
Oh wow what a lovely arrangement! It looks so easy to do but looks really impressive. I think we had some aliums in our garden, I’ll have to ask my head gardener (AKA my husband) as I am not very good with them. If so I’ll try and remember to dry some next year! Becky x #HomeEtc
Thanks Becky! A lot of my aliums had actually almost dried out while they were still outside, so there may still be some to be found in your garden!
I love this arrangement Lizzie. We don’t have aliums growing in our garden, but there is definitely an abundance of cow parsley! Xxx
Thanks Catherine – I loved dried cow parsley. I’m tempted to try spray painting my leftovers gold for Christmas x
We just planted dozens of Alium bulbs in our garden as we missed them so much in our new (ish) house! So this is def one to do next autumn… Thanks! X MMT #homeetc
Thank you! I’m glad you like it. You’re aliums will look so lovely when they pop up next year!
Such a great idea and very effective to bring something seasonal yet colourful into your home too. I’ve never tried doing any sort of flower-arranging, must give it a go X #HomeEtc
Thanks Lins! x
How lovely. I agree that the additions make it special – flower arrangements can look too overdone I think when all the blooms have been grown specially. A bit of wild really adds something, as you have shown – gorgeous #HomeEtc
Thank you Molly. I don’t like things to look too formal so love adding some wild bits and pieces!
Oh that just lovely, I completely agree the addition of the dried Allium really makes it special xx
Just beautiful and they look so much better than when I dump mine into a vase! Those sunflowers are stunning 🙂 Thanks so much for linking up again and sharing. Jess x #HomeEtc
Looks amazing Lizzie!! I LOVE Alliums — and they look just as amazing dried as they do when they’re in full bloom! Thanks so much for linking up to #HomeEtc