The seaside town in winter is a rather charming place. Gone are the crowds, the ice-creams and the candy floss – all is calm. It’s usually freezing, but it’s invigorating having the whole place to yourself – especially if the sun’s shining.
Hunstanton, in Norfolk, is an hour’s drive away from where we live. It doesn’t take much to pile in the car and head over there for a few hours. It’s not particularly picturesque, and there’s quite a lot of concrete. In the summer I’d rather choose somewhere prettier, but in winter it has its own peculiar appeal. Shut up shops, biting winds, greedy seagulls – there’s something rather British and eccentric about it that appeals to me.
We like to gather shells on the sand – pretty pink ones and razor shells are all in plentiful supply at Hunstanton. Then we squelch around in the sticky quicksand (as my boys call it) until our fingers and toes are numb with cold.
When the icy wind gets too much we pile into a fish and chip shop and buy some to eat by the sea. Hot, salty chips to be eaten greedily before they go cold. We’re often harassed by a seagull or two (actually, make that twenty).
After that, the lure of the amusement arcade begins to call to us. Mostly through a desire to warm up. We spend half an hour wasting money on the 2p sliding machines before it all gets a bit a too much. There’s an art to trying to win two matching prizes for two children, I can tell you.
And then it’s off to find a warm drink before the drive home….
Do you like the seaside in winter as much as I do?
Hunstanton is one of my very favourite places! It’s lovely in the summer, but also – as your photos show – stunning in the winter.
Sometimes in the summer it gets ridiculously busy so we would head over to Old Hunstanton instead – gorgeous beach, and much quieter.
Another bonus point about Hunstanton is that they do the BEST hot fresh doughnuts I’ve ever tasted! xxx
I also prefer Old Hunstanton in summer – so much prettier! I was so tempted when we walked past the doughnut van, but we were still a bit full of chips! xx
I love the seaside in the winter. That’s partially why we chose to go to Cornwall for Christmas. No crowds and easy parking! I love the wrapping up warm bit and battling with the wind. Drinking hot chocolate on the beach on Boxing Day was one of those memorable moments that I’ll cherish for years. x
Sounds lovely! I’d love to visit Cornwall again, as I’ve only ever been once x
I love this we live on the Kent coast so plenty of beaches to fill our days, I miss going in the winter as it is too cold for my disabled son, but it is so much fun for all the reasons you have shared xxx
Ooh, do you live anywhere near Whitstable? So much nicer than Hunstanton! I really like it there in Winter x
I love it. I almost love it more than in the summer, as we have our local beaches to ourselves and the sea is so dramatic and wild, I could watch it all day. And yes, a walk along the beach in winter is a perfect excuse for a hot chocolate…
In summer it’s either too hot, or too cold – in winter at least you know what you’re getting and can dress warmly! I’d love to live closer to the sea x
I love the seaside in the winter, I have fond memories of Southwold and Aldeburgh, the wind blowing and that lovely smell of the sea, it blew all the cobwebs out of my brain I think!! We spent a week at Burnham Market a couple of years ago, we visited many beaches in Norfolk, the weather was fairly cold although it was June, just love Norfolk and Suffolk, enjoy your lovely part of England. xx
Thanks Marie! Happy New Year to you x
Yes, yes and yes!!! And fish and chips are so much more deserved when the weather is cold. I have a bag of 2p’s on my chest of drawers awaiting a little seaside outing to the amusements. The boys seems to love it more in winter as it’s an unexpected place to go. And really fun too x
Good luck with the 2p machines! We chose the wrong arcade this time. The one where I’m sure they glue them together! x